Having a hard time getting back to you!

I come to the end of each day much faster than usual and long for rest. These weeks are busy, busy like my Summer and then some, but still the cultivation of friendships is foremost on my mind. Some days feel just a tad bit lonely and then I find that if I reach out, there is indeed another hand to grasp which fills the nook of longing that had been buried within my heart. I make a call, I send a note, I wait. You’re there after all and I wonder why I ever doubted that we’re somehow connected even if you’re far away. Laughter fills my ear drums from within and makes my muscles ache with joy, thank you for taking the time.

4 replies
  1. Jay
    Jay says:

    Life is such a juggling act trying to keep everything going and still managing time to get together with friends. You are so good at it. Mojitos real soon, I promise!

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